Αυτό το site δημιουργήθηκε το 2007 με αφορμή τις πυρκαγιές που κατέστρεψαν το δασικό πλούτο της Ελλάδας και οδήγησαν σε φρικτό θάνατο περίπου 100 Ελληνες (μεταξύ των οποίων και μικρά παιδιά). Αυτό το γεγονός από μόνο του αποτέλεσε την απαρχή της πολιτικής αποσταθεροποίησης της χώρας η οποία οδήγησε στον εξευτελισμό ενός ολόκληρου έθνους, το ξεπούλημα της ελληνικής γής και σε μια δικτατορία πρωτοφανή για τα Ελληνικά δεδομένα.

Ας μάθει ο κόσμος λοιπόν τι πραγματικά συμβαίνει από τους πάσχοντες!
Τhis site was created in 2007 on the occasion of the fires that burnt down the forests of Greece and led to a horrible death more than 100 Greeks (including young children). This fact alone ushered the political destabilization of the country which led to the humiliation of an entire nation, the sell-off of Greek wealth and to an unprecedented dictatoship.

So, let the world know what is really going on in Greece from the sufferers!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Abolishing Public Company "Greek Radio - Television, SA (ERT -A.E.)

Abolishing Public Company "Greek Radio - Television, SA (ERT -A.E.)."

On   11/06 Greek Dictatorship published a Gazette imposing the abolition of GREEK RADIO TELEVISION which was founded in 1938.
This Gazette, bearing the signatures of J. STOURNARI (Minister of Finance) and Deputy S. KEDIKOGLOU,  imposed:
The immediate dismissal of workers at ERT.
The immediate abolition of the powers of the Board of Directors.
The transfer and management of all property of ERT to the Finance Minister without charges or taxes.
The Greek Dictatorship has reported the creation of another company, at the place of ERT, which will occupy less employees. The whole world should wonder though:
1) The Gazette published on 11/06. On the same day, the employees were asked to leave their posts, without prior notice, and under the watchful gaze of powerful police forces. Those who would not comply would be considered   "Squatters" and would be arrested.
This practice is unacceptable, illegal and unconstitutional because the the employees had not received any prior notice in regard to their being laid off. They were not given time to collect their personal belongings or to bid farewell to their colleagues.
3,000 workers were left on the street overnight and they were added to the millions of unemployed Greeks who "are at death's door".
2)  A reasonable question is raised: After the Board of Directors and all employes have been forcibly removed overnight from their positions, who will make "stock" of the company?
3) The great fortune of ERT passes into the hands of one man, the Minister of Finance, who until now dispels Greece piece by piece without bringing results  and without helping our country develop and overcome the crisis.
We Greeks consider this decision to be dictatorial as it is signed by one minister (without passing through the Greek Parliament for approval) and the benefits of this decision will fall on himself and his ministry.
4) The transfer of this huge property is made without the Greek State paying taxes.
However, when in Greece a property owner wishes to transfer a property (even to his own children) taxes he/she has to pay are unbearable.

We as Greeks know the dictatorial practices of the government and its partners.
Let the world know what is really happening here!
this is a google translation of the gazett. The original Greek text is here 

SECOND ISSUE Issue number 1414
11 June 2013
Arith. OIK.02/11.6.2013
Abolishing public company "Greek Radio - Television, SA (ERT -A.E.)."


Having regard to the provisions of:
1. a) Article 14B N.3429/2005 "Public Enterprises and Organizations (Public Utility)" (A 314), as inserted by the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 66 of Law 4002 / 2011 "Amendment of the pension legislation of the State-Arrangements for development
and fiscal consolidation - Jurisdictional issues Treasuries, Culture and Tourism and Labor and Social Security "(A 180), amended by the provisions of paragraph 8 of Article 1 of 31.12.2011 legislative acts" Settings urgent implementation issues of N.4024/2011 'pension arrangements, single payroll-gradebook, job redundancy and other provisions for implementing the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2012-2015 "and the Ministries Administrative
Reform and Electronic Governance, Interior, Finance, Environment, Energy and Climate Change and Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs on the implementation of the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2012-2015 "(A 268), which was ratified by the second article of Law 4047/2012 (A 31) and replaced by Article 1 from 06/10/2013 Legislative Act "Amendment of Article 14B n.3429/2005" (A 139).
b) His N.1730/1987 "Greek Radio - Television, SA (ERT SA)." (A 145).
c) Law 4093/2012 "Approval of the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016 - Urgent Measures on Application of Law 4046/2012 and the Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2013-2016" (A'222), as applicable.

Two. Of PD 86/2012 (GG 141/A/21-6-2012) appointing Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Deputy Ministers.

Three. Of Presidential Decree 90/2012 (GG 144/A/5-07-2012) appointing Minister and Deputy Minister.

4. Of No. Y70/11-07-2012 decision Prime "redefining responsibilities of the Minister of State Demetrios Stamatis and define responsibilities of Deputy Prime Minister Simeon Kedikoglou" (B 2116).

5. The fact that the "Greek Radio - Television, SA (ERT SA)." Burden the state budget and the need to streamline the flow, function and organization costs of public service broadcasting through the creation and configuration of a new organism standard to serve the requirements of the Constitution, the democratic, social and cultural needs of society and the need to preserve media pluralism.

6. The fact that the provisions of this Decision expense on the state budget, the amount of which can not be determined, decide:

Article 1
Abolishing public company "Greek Radio-Television, SA
(ERT - SA) "and shutdown
1. The Greek Radio - Television, SA (ERT SA.), Established by Law 1730/1987 (A 145) as a single entity, is repealed. It also eliminates the subsidiaries set up by the ERT SA
Two. The broadcasting, circulation publications, web sites function like any other activity of ERT - SA and its subsidiaries, are dropped after the end of the regular program of June 11, 2013 and until the creation of a new institution that will serve the public interest in compliance with principles consistent with the terms of transparency and good governance within the competitive broadcasting environment .

Article 2
Luck estate ERT - SA and succession rights and obligations
1. The total assets and liabilities of ERT - SA and its subsidiaries, including any kind of rights, claims 21335 21336 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (SECOND ISSUE) and liabilities are transferred automatically from the publication of this without any formality to the State, represented by the Minister of Finance.
Two. The State becomes successor of all rights and obligations as defined in the preceding paragraph.
A. The transfer of assets of ERT - SA and its subsidiaries to the State and any other action associated with it is exempt from any tax, levy or fee.
b Frequencies of ERT SA. remain inactive until the establishment of the new body when they are transferred to it automatically.
c pending trial on party ERT - SA and its subsidiaries, continue in the name of the Greek State, as successor of ERT - SA and its subsidiaries, without further formality, without introducing violent disruption and without the need for a declaration of their recurrence.

Article 3
Arrangements for industrial relations
1. Employment contracts of employed staff in any way, such as regular and temporary staff or other staff and any contracts or working with external partners or other program of ERT-SA and its subsidiaries are lysed by publication of this notice. For the cases concerned this decision constitutes termination of individual employment contract.
Two. The staff of the previous paragraph is entitled to the legal case basis in accordance with the relevant provisions, compensation.
Three. Since the publication of this automatically removed postings of any kind staff of the repealed public limited company ERT SA and its subsidiaries, serving in other entities.

Article 4
Board of Directors
The tenure of the CEO and the Board the Greek Radio and Television, SA (ERT SA.) and the term of all administrative bodies subsidiaries expire from the date of publication of this decision, without any liability to the State.

Article 5
State fee
The collection of the contribution fee (levy) for ERT SA, collected through electricity bills, according to Law 1730/1987, suspended the publication of this decision and to the creation of a new provider of public broadcasting service.

Article 6
Where the relevant provisions referred ERT - SA or its subsidiaries shall hereinafter the Greek State.

The decision shall be published in the Government Gazette.
Athens, June 11, 2013




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